Thursday, July 2, 2015

Preserving the Herb Harvest - Freezing Herbs

Another easy way to preserve your fresh-grown herbs is to freeze them. This is a great method to keep your herbs like fresh (rather than dried) herbs. There are three methods I'm going to show you.

In all three methods, you will harvest your herbs in the morning (after the dew has gone) when their oils are at their peak. Wash the herbs thoroughly and pat dry. Remove the leaves from the stems and chop any large leaves if desired.

The first method is to spread your herb leaves out on a cookie sheet in a single layer and freeze. When frozen, remove leaves and put in a freezer bag/container and seal. Return to the freezer. When you're ready to use, remove individual leaves as needed for cooking. (Just a note here; they can really only be used in cooking, the thawed leaves would be limp and unappealing for a garnish)

The second method is to place chopped herbs into an ice cube tray and covering with water. Freeze. Remove cubes and put in freezer/bag container and seal. Return to the freezer. When ready to use, remove amount of cubes as needed for cooking. The bit of excess water will evaporate during cooking.

The last method is to again place chopped herbs into an ice cube tray. This time, pour olive oil over the herbs.

Remove cubes and put in freezer bag/container and seal. Return to the freezer. When ready to use, remove amount of cubes needed for cooking. The small amount of olive oil (it's probably about 1 Tbsp.) will enhance flavor.

There you have it. Some simple ways to freeze herbs. Come this winter, you won't regret the (very little) time it took to preserve your herbs this way. It will almost be like having fresh herbs all winter!

Happy Herb Preserving!


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