Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Diet Update

It hasn't been quite a week since I started the No Flour No Sugar Diet and while I had kind of a rough start.....
  • Day one - ate a donut that a co-worker offered me. About 3 hours after my "starting" the diet. Wow! What willpower I have!
  • Day two - Went to a friend's Birthday party and consumed wine AND chocolate ice cream cake.
I'm back on track now though. I CAN do this! I've learned some things about food since starting this diet (maybe more than I wanted to know). The first thing I learned, I actually like PLAIN Greek yogurt (okay, with fruit AND slivered almonds).

I've always eaten SWEETENED yogurt. Like the Slow-cooker yogurt I make and sweeten with honey (If you decide to try the slow-cooker yogurt and you want the Greek yogurt consistency, you'll have to strain the liquid until you get the thicker consistency).

The second thing I learned (and all my research warned about this) is all the "hidden" sugar in the processed foods we eat. I've read more labels in the last few days than I have in my life (I know, terrible, right?).

My GREAT discovery though is the store-brand orange juice is 100% orange juice concentrate! NO added sugar! AWESOME! At least for me. I can drink water, but, it's not really my favorite. I'll keep the orange juice to a minimum, but at least I have another option. Great for a little crochet break. By the way, the block I'm working on currently is Posie Field. It's a "concentration" type square, but it's coming along well so far.

That's how the diet is coming along so far. Anyone joining me? How are you doing?

Happy dieting and crocheting!


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